Mon Reve

I woke up this morning and the first thing that came into my mind is my dream house. Though, it has been in my mind for several years already, it just came into me to share it to you (hihi. why not? :>) Anyway, basically I really wanted a glass house. Of course, not the over exposed-transparent-see-through glass house type. Who would want that, when people see everything in your house? Wouldn't you feel naked even though you're all wrapped up with your clothes and all? (hahaa. kidding) Today, I just feel like posting this because I can't wait to make all these come true, but patience is still a virtue I know. But just this time, allow me to show you what I want to have 10 years from now :) Here's how it will look like more or less Exterior Interior: My futuristic bedroom I know, I know, this looks a bit disheveled as of the moment but of course I'm planning to hire and interior designer to decorate my house and leave the lands...