Speak and Style is a blog by Ezra Hilary Ceniza a young lady from Cebu City, Philippines. She is a graduate of AB Linguistics and Literature with latin honors. This blog serves as her alter ego. It is her safe haven where she can put on her thoughts with no holds barred. It contains her passion and dreams she dare tell no one. It is a compilation of her favorite outfits, her wishlists and her adventures in life.

The lady behind speak and style is a big dreamer. She hopes to make a mark in this world someday if not, at least to some people. She hopes this blog serves as an inspiration to other dreamers out there. She believes that we can have everything we want if we work for it. Personally, she hopes to become a lawyer and get an international education someday. From then on, she wants to put up a language school because Linguistics has always been her first love. She refuses to believe her goals are unreachable. She will never know unless she tries.

She aims to be fearless. She wants to conquer her own self because she wants to prove that she can do it despite every failure, every detours and everything in between. She knows she will make it big in the future. She knows she will make history.And she will not stop until she gets there.


  1. go live up the dream you always wanted! goooood luck! :)

  2. The future speaker and stylist in the world!

  3. I have nothing left to say about the beauty of your passion, your soul because you've clearly said every affirmation you needed. You're perfect as you are.

    One thing left to do is to believe in those words you affirmed. Believe that you can inspire the world through your very own unique contribution. Believe that you can because You.... Are. :)

    1. I did not know about this, until I visited this page in my blog again. but thank you so much for your kind words. You are one of the people whom I know that always say the best things at the best times. Thank you! :)


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