Old school but still cool


Wow! I can't believe it. I'm entering a new decade but I don't feel like ageing (Except maybe for my style preferences). I feel more alive than ever--fully discovering myself and accepting that life as what it is. It's not gonna be perfect and you cannot have what everyone is having no matter how hard you try to project that. And the best way to fully enjoy life is to be happy with what you have, make the most out of it and always always always live life incognito ;)

Looking back, what I hated in my 20s are the things that I am very grateful for now. Indeed, (young) adulthood is a phase where your version of "ideal" world is slowly torn apart in order for you to make way for reality. It may not be a posh hood-- reality that is, but you can always learn the ropes, play the game then make the game.  You will go through a dark and depressive era and somewhere between those years, you will slowly see a spark and as you move forward the spark gets brighter and brighter until you will finally the light of day. I could never promise you that you can skip this because this "dark age" comes in different forms regardless of your status in life. No advice can help you but just go through it and that's what I did. I won't deny that there are times I prefer to escape this but now I would not have spent my younger years in any other way.

For years, I have always let the opinions of others (especially family) and also extremely wanting to belong to a group, friendships, relationships dictate my actions. Downplaying things so I won't be the odd one out. Being the Yes girl so nobody will ever feel bad but it really cost me my mental health and sanity. And maybe it is maturity or just simply reaching the nirvanic state of DGAF, but I just don't give a shite anymore. As long as I don't hurt people, I don't put my nose on other people's business, I do my best in my craft and I constantly create a strong boundary between professional and personal life--- I am good. 

Though I could not spend my birthday the way I want it to be because of my busy schedules, nevertheless, the next few months are gonna be exciting and fun. So I am looking forward to that. 

LASTLY, the coolest gift so far is how my "Readership" has increased by tens of thousands since I last wrote on this blog. Like DAMNNN guysss, thank you! Thank you for reading and hopefully this blog is not only entertaining but it helps you get through tough times too!! 

I'll be posting sporadically here from now on because I prefer this more than social media and vlogging. Haha! 


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