
 Day three of my Manila trip and the highlight as well. Saturday was the day of the Max International Anniversary party at SMX Convention Center beside MOA. So since it was a business/party I chose to wear something smart casual. What I wore was a black romper and a draped vest. When I bought that black romper, I thought if you wear it, it would be uncomfortable and hot and surprisingly it wasn't. It was super comfy because its material is made of cotton plus it blended well with the draped vest that is super light as well. But then the lightness of the clothing paid off when I entered SMX since the aircon was in full blast, and yea, I felt really cold inside.

Interlude: I also dropped by the Penshoppe Fashion Week too! Hahaha! Not really, the hall where our party was held was just beside the hall where the Penshoppe event was. So there were pretty girls and boys all around the center and man, they were tall (read: 6 feet and above). The legs are to die for and the body? Just the legit model-esque type; long and slender and flat chested. Even my five inch heels has no game for it. I wish I could have taken photos of them for you guys, but they look too intimidating and poker face. tssss.

 These photos were taken before the party started and well, the place is really huge. In my rough estimate, it could house a thousand people. I love the motif of the tables too, simple but classy. Only thing I did not like was there food. It just did not approve in my taste buds plus they ran out of desserts too!

Now, this is the reason why this post is entitled Treasure. So I met this guy, and I was totally in struck of him. He looks really good and decent and very composed ( rarely do we see those kind of guys these days!). I took this photo when Luke Mejares ( local singer) was singing Bruno Mars' Treasure, so I dedicate that song to him, haha! Actually, I do not know his name but well, I was able to take photo with him. And guess who took this shot for us? My mom! hahaha. Okay so we go back to earth now, I have a huge crush on him but he is just too high for me; both in height ( a six footer) and in wealth and reputation. But we will see in the future though, chos! We don't know each other nga eh! :P


  1. Lovely outfit!


  2. ahh so lucky! love your outfit btw :)

  3. nice look for a pretty event :)

  4. Such a cute blog :) I love it :) I'm following you on bloglovin' and GFC :)
    Hope you can follow me back :)

  5. Someday, you will know each other!.. :-)

  6. Your look is amazing :) I follow your blog

  7. lovely outfit dear. fellow filipina fashion blogger! <3


  8. You looks so gorgeous in this look! Perfect outfit from head to toe! <3

  9. amazing look! following you now please follow back if you want..:)


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