Reviving my Passion Project

Sitting on my desk on a tuesday, trying to make sense of what I should be putting in this blog today. Should I stick to writing my self-inflicted lamentations or do I write something positive which I do not even know about. But if I should update you with something, it is that I have fully decided to constantly update this blog from now on. NO, it is not another false promise but it will be something that I have constantly postponed out of supression and killing what really makes me happy. I remember when I first made this blog using my basic skills in website making and using free platforms was because I wanted to be like Kryz Uy and Camille Co. Not because I want to be there imitation but I also find this thing quite interesting. Over the years, however, it has evolved to becoming my personal outlet when life has become overwhelming. My fashion sense is still there but the reason why I put up this little web space is gone. Physically, I may not be exudi...