Life After Lockdown

I cannot believe that my next content would come out of insomnia. It was just last night while I was twisting and turning on my bed when I knew what I should write in my blog today. The nationwide lock down in this side of the world ended more than a month ago. It was after the government have not detected any new cases for 15 days straight. For some, it was like a notice of release from prison while for the minority, it was just another day. And I belonged to that minor group. It was only two weeks after that I decided to go out again. Doing the usual, a full walk around the lake while talking non-sense to my friend. Drinking coffee in cafes even though I had my own coffee at home and most of all eating out (since I thrive mostly on food delivery). But what has changed really? As for me, after the 1.5 months of imposed quarantine by the government and the decision of the company to let us work from home, I kinda like it. Mainly because I did not have to go ou...