Blue Bare

The groupshot. For a change of my typical introductory photo, I chose this because of the nice edit and the dramatic effect of the sky that makes the three of us look glamorous in our different outifits. I Dared. I just took a huge leap on my blogging career by doing and wearing an outfit, for a funshoot with my friends, a sexy tie down top and a tattered shorts. Well, I guess the combination for a street chic outfit went well though. I've been meaning to wear this outfit ever since I was in highschool, but I got no confidence to wear it because I find it too fashionable and too sexy that makes me feel uncomfortable in it. What made me change my mind is because of the timely theme that my friends had which was about travelling. And travelling in a street chic style is one of the most comfy yet you still look good. The thing about wearing a monotonous color is quite challenging. Sometimes, wearing the same color all throughout either makes you look old fashi...