Fury Tattered

 So here's another outfit shot during my partial premier as a frustrated model. Watcha say? HAHAHA. It's kinda awkward claiming the title of a model because it's not my calling I guess? But nevertheless, I am starting to love the camera though I must admit. Black is black and the texture of such black cloth on the top I am wearing is no ordinary black. It has a fury texture that makes it interesting.
 The tattered back of the fury top makes it more edgy and daring, don't you think? I love the whole detail of it though because it's not your ordinary fur and it's not your ordinary tattered design. It's sexy but it didn't mean for you to get naked.
 Now, the skirt I wore is just a simple body con and I adjust it to look like a continuation of the top and in short make it look like a dress. Genius, isn't it? And the red accessories I wore was just there to complement the whole look and to put a little color in my outfit.
 And here's one more look of the sexy back. And by the way if you think that the fury top is too hot to wear, think again. Because its inner cloth is made of a silky material though silk is a good insulator of heat but the way its glosses over your body isn't hot at all. Pluss all the furs are just outside, its hems are separated by the silk material.

Photographer: Stephen Suico
MUA: Cely Maranon
Stylist: Duanna Espinosa


  1. Woah! I got inspired by your blog, dear. Following you now!

  2. lovely photos...the shredded back of your top (or is it a dress) is sooo cool and sexy. <3

    ♥ vanilla ice cream | a cebuana's personal style blog ♥

  3. Hi you really got a guts on fashion! Following you now, :)

    hope you could follow mine too

  4. Love the pop of burgundy on this all black ensemble. Love the dress hun, you rocked this look!
    love your style, how about following each other on GFC & Bloglovin?



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