C'est fini
And so this ends my affair with the academe. But those 14 years of education was not easy for me. Ever since grade school I never had an award so much more during high school. Perhaps being one of the honor graduate in our batch is one of my greatest achievement up to date, And I am so proud of it because I got it out of pure hard work, determination and tons of prayer. It is the result of my sleepless nights, bad hair day, no make-up wednesdays, no dates, no social life and imprisoned in my room for four years. But no regrets. None at all. My friends have also played a big part of it all, if not for our very healthy competition we would not strive hard to always be our best in every project. quizzes and research works. I know I have the best ones since we always tend to make each other better each day. I will miss this bunch (although we are not complete), and I will miss our lunch time jokes, our noisy talks and our boy pranks in school. And as we go our separate ways...