White out

Take me somewhere cold. I am writing this post while sipping my iced tea under the sun. Imagine the contrast. Weird. I know, but oh well. This was taken a few weeks ago, and if you really think about it, this was exactly a month ago. Not much of an up to date blogger, huh? 

 So I chose to wear an all white ensemble during our CUHK tour and our visit to the Victoria peak. I was thinking that even if the weather was a bit cold that day, white can still suffice. And it did. I wore at least three shades of white: plain white, off white and close to gray white. I really did not expect that it will look good to wear. Haha! But anyway, what was good in this look was that it was very comfortable. Even if the material is not suitable for winter, but my insulator jacket did a good job though ;)

This was taken on the mountain trail of the Victoria Peak. There were a lot of tourist who went a stroll in here and it took an hour for us to finish the whole walkway. And if you must know where this walkway will lead you, it is just on the other opening of the Victoria Peak mall. Basically we just walked around the whole place. Amazing isn't it?

Totally freaked out when I saw an outlet of Haagen-Dazs because Philippines does not have one! Gosh, I was like in ice cream heaven that time. And right now, I am missing the taste of it >.<

We topped the night with a stroll on the harbor and guess what I saw? Yes, the most expensive jewelries that there are and not to mention to expensive watches. I made a pact to myself that the next time I will come back, I will bring my millions with me. Hahah! 

Outifts: Jacket: Zara| Top: Old Navy| Jeans: Jeanology| Boots: Rossana Pena


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