Indulging my headspace

With a few extra time on my hand, I finally decided to go back to my dear old blog. Honestly, if I was brave enough to fight for my passion, I would rather be a content writer and a full time reader my whole life. I guess, regardless of how much I channel a strong persona, I am just not brave enough to trade practicality for passion. I have never been a crowd-pleaser. I do not follow the trend and I do not live for people to like me. I learned that at a very young age. No matter how I try to be nice and accommodate everybody, I know that I cannot please them. Hence, my DGAF game is strong af. But for some reasons, I still end up getting the social media disease of comparing my life to others. I mean I cannot deny that I have my fair share of idols and inspirations in social media. In fact, it is my driving force to do better and be like them. And when I feel drained and uninspired I go to their blogs and Youtube videos to get inspired again or go to the...