Friday Night

Friday Night

Black and Gold. These two colors shine bright on a friday night out, don't you think? If you wanna go clubbing with your friends, then this one fits perfectly. It's chic and it's comfy. The Gold-colored jeans really intensifies the whole outfit, but the chiffon peter-pan collared top doesn't do any less also. And adding the Louboutin's spikey pumps, you just nailed down the outfit. To top it off just add some goldish and blackish accessories and of course a simple tote bag that would make you look like a new-yorker walking around 5th avenue. Don't forget the make up also, make it light on the eyes and add a dash of red lipstick for color.

All I know is that one day, I'm gonna be in this outfit. That's it. No fussin. Love it or not. :)


  1. I agree with you, I think it looks pretty awesome! You have a lovely blog! It would be nice if you check out my blog! If you like it, can we follow each other? I'll follow you back for sure :)
    Have a great day!


    "Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico"

    1. Sure girl! I'll be checkin your blog too :) Thanks for visiting :>

    2. Thank you so much for your nice comment & follow!!!! I’m following you back now :)
      Unfortunately you haven't “bloglovin”, but if you decided to join it, please let me know, and we can follow each other there as well, it's much easier to keep in touch<3


      "Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico"

  2. Hello! Thanks for visiting. I've followed you now hope you follow back :)

  3. I am a huge fan of black and gold! White and gold too! Anything gold hahaha it's too gorg :-) You have a new follower! ♡ xx Forever Nineteen PS i have an ongoing giveaway u might wana try yer luck ;)

  4. Such a beautiful outfit! I just love those pants.
    Also I'm super excited to follow you and I hope you'll return the favor. It would mean so much coming from you (:

    xx Amber


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