Came to Camotes

 Another long overdue blog post about our Camotes weekend with the bestfriend, Raffy. I did not have the time to make a good post about it until today. For the first time independent travelers (sure?), we really did have a trip of a lifetime. We had meetings, countless of them if I may mention and we even have a step by step process on how to get to the pier.

We agreed to meet at around 5:30 in the morning but then I had to buy coffee because we need coffee. So I arrived at around 6 am in the bus terminal and got worried we will not be able to ride on an air-conditioned bus. Yes. We are that specific!

When we got to the Danao Port, we were stuck for four hours because we did not buy a ticket ahead of time. Raffy and I were already irritated because it was too hot, it was smelly and the people were just going crazy. Thank God, we were able to buy a ticket for the air-conditioned seats or whatever you call it. We need to keep ourselves cool. We arrived at Camotes Port (i think that was San Francisco port?) at 1:45 pm and we have to scout for a motorcycle to bring us to the resort. 

  On our first day on the island, we basically got lazy. We had a dipped in the beach and enjoying the last minutes before it changes into low tide. We got up just after an hour because we got bored. HAHAHA. Then we do not know what to do after. So much for trying to be adventurous!

 Our resort, Bellavista Resort, was just a few steps away from the famous Santiago Bay Resort. We wanted to see what makes this resort special so we decided to have an afternoon coffee and our dinner in their restaurant. And indeed, this was a cool place to stay in. Sadly, it was fully booked when we reserved a place to stay.

 We also went to a small island called Tulang Diot. It was a 5-minute boat ride away from the main Camotes Island. The sand and the sea were surreal. It was lovely. We went there early in the morning and the water was just changing its tides. And guess what happened? I got stung by jellyfishes. I thought it was just itchy but then the constant itchy caused red marks on my skin and it turned into something that alcohol cannot cure. I had to suffer the red spots all over my body for more than two weeks by Physiogel saved me from worse irritation! haha!

That camotes weekend was fun! It was not filled with activities but we surely got the time to chill. We were able to talk about our life plans and even go over simple topics like drinking wine and loving reggae music. Another item ticked off from our #bffbucketlist and we are planning for the next adventure!

If you wanna know our travel must-haves, here it goes:

  • air-conditioned bus. We better pay big for transportation or get uncomfy!
  • good resort with personal CR! We can be your backpacker pal as long as you promise us good bathrooms. hahaha
  • brewed and gourmet coffee. oh please.. but instant coffee can be a lifesaver too!
  • good restos 
  • white sand beach and we mean the sand that we step on when we dip in the beach. ahah!
Total expenses: 3,000.00 

Check our video too! 


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