Things You Should Never Spend More than Five Minutes On

Every day, we are bombarded with stress. From our daily activities up to our own thoughts-- we can become so restless throughout the day. Today, in particular, is very disappointing for me. I was not in the mood for anything. I was not in the mood to wear my mask on and pretend to be that cheerful being who is carefree and happy.

Ever since I turned 23, I made this pact with myself to not care about the world anymore. I just do not care whether people like me or they hate me. And the last thing I would want to happen to me is to let this negativity run my day.
If there are some things that I would not spend more than five minutes on it, these would be:

1. My Current Mood
My moods are dictated by the tide. In the morning, I can be as hyper as I can or I can just be as emotionless as a stone. Whatever mood I am in, it usually lasts the whole day. I realize this is not a healthy habit at all.

If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, find a way to switch the mood. It is not healthy for your mental well-being and it is not healthy for your life.

2. My miserable company
You know the old adage that goes, "misery loves company" and it seems like they have been spreading around microbranches all over the places. Miserable people want to make other people share their misery.

Although we cannot avoid that annoying workmate who would intimidate you just to satisfy their insecurity or that person who had the guts to ruin your day by making unnecessary comments just to make you feel bad you have the choice of not letting it dwell in you. I have learned how to control my temper while setting that boundary to the people around me.

I usually hold my anger for more than a day. In fact, I will never forget the emotions a person would make me feel, especially the bad ones. But I have learned that these people are actually selfish. They have a penchant for making people feel bad so they will feel good. At 22, I was practicing the art of #IDGAF and now I am mastering the art of #DGAFing in not more than five minutes.

Sooner or later you will realize that these small things do not actually matter. Not in the next few hours and not in the next five years.

3. That hate comment I get from strangers
You cannot please everybody. That is a given fact. Sometimes, I still get sad whenever I hear people telling me bad things or whenever they gossip about me. (And yes, I receive news that concerns me).

Despite being on earth for quite a while, it still surprises me how people can look at you straight in the eye and laugh at you knowing they have destroyed you with their words. I cannot stand hypocrisy ( I guess that is the reason why I am not a crowd favorite). But, you have to get by with the fact that it is life. It will never be fair. I even hear about how people complaining about what I do, what I can give them and what I cannot. Everybody wants to be understood and satisfied by their caprices.

But guess what? I do not give even a single shiz about your unnecessary rants. I guess I will be that one person who gives you the honest and fair treatment that you do not usually experience. You can say things about me but I can still sleep at night and continue with my life. I have worked hard to be where I am today, who are you to question me and my credibility. You do not even know half of my story. So stop it.

4. That negative committee residing in my head
The battle is real. It is both an external and internal conflict. My head is another dimension. I have thoughts. Sometimes it could be destructive even. I am an impatient human being. I want to have it all in one snap of a finger. And if I do not get it, I get disappointed. My mind would start to wonder about how inadequate and dumb I am.

5. Contemplating on your poor decision-making skills
Up until now I still ask myself how I end up teaching high school girls. I still ask why all roads will always lead me to teach. At first, I wanted to be a flight attendant, then I wanted a master's degree in Linguistics, a world-renowned lawyer, a businesswoman but I end up teaching.

Maybe I am too scared to go out of my comfort zone or maybe I am meant for this. Often times, I am frustrated by my decisions in life. Why I took a hiatus in law school and why I end up with this kind of job. Sometimes I feel like quitting and just do what I really want but my fear is always stopping me.

I have my fair share of insecurities and fears too. But I do not radiate it to others just to make myself better. I keep it and solve it myself. I hope other people learn the art of self-acceptance too because honestly I am done with dealing with crappy humans.

Now that I am progressing through my twenties, I have dealt with this major dilemma. I just go for it. I just do what I can to conquer my fear, my inhibitions, my inadequacy. I have dreams. I have to achieve them. I have to make myself and my family proud.

You have 24 hours in a day. Imagine all the things that you can do with all that time you have if you do not let the things around you run the day. But if you see the need to vent out your frustrations, give your self five minutes to feel crappy, to cry, to scream, to stare at your wall, to backbend ( even if you can't), to be emotional. But after that five minutes, get up and go out. Show the world that everything is just a piece of cake for you!


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