Something Personal: The Ultimate Solo Flight

Though I originally planned to post this on my Tumblr account, but I could not access it at the moment so I will post this here.

One weekend, I took the plane and head out somewhere unfamiliar. It was just me and I have no idea what I am doing with my life. However, here are some life skills that I have managed to whip out in an instant:

1. Common Sênse
Perhaps solo trips have taught me so much about common sense. In any country that you will be in, you will read a different language and mingle with people who cannot speak a common language. And the closest thing that you can depend on is Google Translate and of course, your common sense.

Be quick in getting your phone and show a picture or translation of the question that you are asking. But when you are desperate to get out of your situation, then you better use your common sense. If your hotel pick up, forgot to fetch you, you should know what to do. If you need to have your money changed, you better not lose sight of money exchange booths. These are the basics, you will uncover more eventually.

2. You can do things alone
Remember when you were in college or high school and you need to have the whole gang go with you to get a chalk or eraser because you are too scared to do it alone? Guess, what? You can do things alone!  Whether you are getting yourself enrolled in uni or checking in your flight bookings, you can do it alone. You can arrive at your hotel and to any destination alone. You do not need a travel buddy all the time. You just need yourself and all the things that you can do alone.

3. Make a plan
I stayed in a dorm and I had to share a room with this Russian woman for two nights. On our first day, I left for lunch and came home around 5pm. She, on the other hand, stayed the whole day in the room. I noticed that she had a TRAVEL DỈARY with her and she has been on it for a long time. Probably studying the places she wants to go to and doing her thing. But whatever it is, she was making the most of her trip. The next day she went out to ride the sky train and do awesome stuff. Ư While I was left in the house looking for the next shopping center. #hehe

Overall, it was a good weekend. It was just me. I can say I am now mastering myself and eventually I will be able to fall in love myself unconditionally.

PS- I would have written a nicer post but my imagination is kinda rustic. Update you next time!


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