Just A Quick Write Up

It has officially been two months of being alone! I cannot help but feel really excited about this whole incognito vibe I am in. You see, social media has been making a trend out of quarter life crisis and I might have just caught such mental fever. 

Life can be very overwhelming especially when your control over your emotions is still too young and naive. And that is what I am feeling right now. We see people moving on with their lives and actually feeling every bit of the thrill that our youth can offer. Whereas, when I look at the mirror and see my own reflection, I feel like I am going nowhere. 

You see, when it comes to listing goals and achieving them, trust me I am 1/3 on it already. But the perfectionist in me kills the vibe and that's making me sad because I still am not good enough. On days, I even feel sorry for myself for being such a loser in dealing with life. Hence, the reason why I left everything behind to start over and make something out of myself alone. But not totally. 

So, here are some progress I made while I was incognito:
1. I learned how to clean my space. Like really clean it. But now it's quite messy. Hehehe
2. I have learned the value of investing in a room diffuser and a jelly mask because it is the best way to fight night time loneliness and unpredictable insomnia. 
3. Washing clothes especially your intimates can callouse your hands. But, whatever, we live for independence!
4. Kitchen will never be my favorite part of the house. Cooking for myself is hopeless. I would rather buy from restos or at least store on fruits and cucumber. Hehe!
5. I basically lived in noodles for a week at some point of my stay here. Right now, I don't think I can eat any more of it. 

Enough of the survival skills, let's talk about the metaphorical life lessons it has been giving me:
1. LOVE YOURSELF always. I know that this has been my mantra ever since but it still pays to live every word of it. 
-When my work got a bit overhwelming, I forgot to even have a good skin care routine or even just to fix my outfits for the day. I was that busy. But when I started to get the hang of it, that's when I loved myself more.
- I bought some DIY masks for my face and I even had a trip to the salon to get my nails done. <3 Loved every moment of it. 

2. Common sense is key. Being in a foreign place can be scary. You do not know where everything is. You do not even know anyone. So the handy Google Map and local expressions will save your ass. So you better start brushing up your common sense because you will need a lot of that. 

3. Youtube can be heaven and hell. When you are alone, you don't really have many people that you can talk to. So, Youtube can be the best place to hear people talking. And recently, I have been admiring this guy named Alexander Stevenson and boy, I should meet him someday. He is already part of the list that I told God to reserve for me. HAHAHAHA. #yes #massivecrushonhim 

I don't know if that part should be put up here, but well he may be able to read this someday. lol! So yeah, I think his videos are making me feel enthusiastic about my dreams and achieving them. He inspires me in making my life happen and just do what I have to do. He is very smart too! The kind of guy I would totally like. Oh well, enough of gushing over him. 

So yeah, that's all for this blog. Will post more soon on my future adventures! :) 
Note: Just another photo dump, because why not? :)


  1. Wow! I'm so happy for your little accomplishments! I can totally relate to you because since college, I've been living on my own but I just learned how to do everything by myself just last year haha! Cheers to more adventure for you :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)


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